Holly Raidl Aug Blog Month 5

Posted on September 2, 2021 by Categories: Uncategorized

My penultimate month at Purpol Marketing has certainly been a busy one. I continued to work on many of the things I have worked on in previous months, as mentioned in my other blogs. I began sorting the course progress data of the new Kickstarters into a colour coded system.  

I also uploaded new videos onto the Kickstart My Career course and rearranged the course content in order to do so. It was interesting to learn how courses are uploaded and arranged to the platform. 

I updated the course text for a new course as well. 

This month I continued to write bids and update the bid library I built. As well as editing the grant database I created on a weekly basis.  

During this month was Denise’s Birthday. She gave us the day off to do something kind. I chose to donate some money to the Afghan Women’s Fund due in part to the presence of what is happening there in the news. It was nice to think about the things everyone did. 

I’m excited to continue working on similar projects in my final month.