Month 5 on the Kickstart Programme by Nicky Leathard
Time as really flown as we come to the end of month five. This month included more webinars by BT, notably including ‘Instagram for your Business’ and ‘Find New Customers with Google Maps’ – both which I found very useful.
March began with the separate creation of MailChimp templates in order to come up with draft ideas of what our ‘Kickstart my Career’ email campaign might look like. I enjoyed this task and found it easy and intuitive to use – very glad I got the opportunity to have a go!
A big assignment for the ‘Kickstart my Career’ course this month included the creation of a draft Wix website in our separate groups in order to come up with the style and feel for the overall website. This was a fun task and I liked getting to know some of the the ins and outs of Wix website creation.
In terms of extra tasks this month, I was again given the role of uploading more of our Intern’s graphics to the Purpol Marketing page. To start off I was given a list of around 50 graphics to sift through and choose the ones I wanted to upload. Once I had decided on those I wanted to post, this time I decided to utilize the scheduling tool ‘Later’ which I found extremely valuable and straightforward to operate.
This month I was also given the job of creating a transcription for the ‘Professional Profile’ videos that have been created. Additionally, most notably this month I was given control of the Thinkific site to create the skeleton of the course. With this mammoth task I have been uploading all of the edited videos and transcripts to the site, as well as checking for errors and inconsistencies. This has taken up much of my time this month and has involved a great deal of organisation. I have very much enjoyed the process!
At the end of this month we have started to create more promotion for the course. Along with others in my new group, I have started to draft ideas for the animation to be created to promote the course, including recording my voice as a voice over for the animation.
Overall, a busy month, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Hard to believe there’s only one month left!