Month 6 Blog by Nicky Leathard

It’s hard to believe I am coming to the end of my sixth month internship on Purpol Marketing’s Kickstart scheme! Time has really flown.
In this final month of April, I continued to work with my team to help plan the animation content to help promote the course. However, much of my time was taken up with project management as I carried on with managing the ‘Kickstart my Career’ content and making sure all the content and quizzes were created and uploaded to Thinkific. This also involved creating a variety of transcripts for videos that did not have them, recording missing audio files for several videos, editing all the Canva graphic slides with spelling mistakes and errors, and creating missing quizzes for consolidating the course’s content. I also created a few slides on Canva from scratch which fit with the theme and style of the course’s slides in order to fill in missing gaps.
Importantly though this month is ending on a big bang especially as today (26/04) marks the initial launch of our course! I am really looking forward to see how well our course does and how many people it will inevitably benefit.
A big thank you to Denise and Purpol Marketing for such a wonderful experience