Placement expectation kick-start by Charlotte Keki

Posted on July 28, 2021 by Categories: Uncategorized

I am really looking forward to starting something new, Marketing is something that is completely out of my comfort zone, I would one day like to have a full-time career in marketing and accomplish my goals for marketing.

What I would most like to learn about is web design, being able to learn to do the graphics, again I am all new to this but I really want to learn and with Purpol Marketing I know I can achieve this, I am also interested in the networking side of it, the 4 W’s really interested me I am a very people person and I love to help anyone so I believe I can bring the warmth that is needed for marketing I also have an interest in the PR part to being able to promote a business I think will be fun getting to really show my crafty side with the web design and the branding of the business and being able to communicate my knowledge in marketing, I also love social media I have all the social media accounts so maybe being able to use for marketing to promote and sell would be really great to.

I have recently been watching the magnificent marketing webinars, they have been really interesting, the information and the detail that has been given has really made me want to learn even more each part has different aspects to the course and the way it is broken down really helps to understand what will happen in the future courses and how to use it everyday in marketing and being able to promote and sell products.

I think anyone who is interested in marketing should really give this ago because it is so useful and ready to help you in your career in marketing.