Time is flying – Week 3 at Purpol by Intern Bronwyn

Posted on July 1, 2016 by Categories: About Purpol Marketing, Marketing

I’m now in my third week of my placement and really starting to settle into the role, with more confidence in my abilities and being given more responsibility.

This week has been even more varied than the last.  I started the week writing a case study on behalf of Purpol, to provide potential clients with an idea of what the company does and the standard they deliver. This features on the website and helps provide a credible source for the company’s work. I think this is an underplayed form of marketing, as word of mouth is a powerful influencer.

Having familiarised myself with software last week, this week I have used MailChimp to create an email template to send out to our database. This was a nice creative break from award entries and data entry. To do this it was important to embody the client, visualising what would capture their eye the most and have this in mind when designing a ‘newsletter’ style email. I look forward to perfecting this, mailing it out and being able to analyse the reactions to this by measuring click-through behaviour. I have also been looking at putting templates together for our clients, as this is a great tool to help identify weaker areas in the company’s online presence. From this we can show clients what areas to work on for improvement.


I also had my first go at policy writing, forming a policy for the Armed Forces covenant. Towards the end of the week Denise and I attended the South West Business and Community Expo. Here I was able to learn tips for ‘speed networking’ with other SME’s and larger organisations. This presented potential new ventures and collaborations for the future.

Denise has continued to be a great support, helping to improve my written ability and understanding of the different elements that exist within marketing!