Week 15 at Purpol Marketing

My last week at Purpol Marketing has ended on such a high. Though we may not have won, being finalist at the Bath Chronicle Business Awards in the Innovative Start Up category was truly a privilege, accompanied by such esteemed businesses.
Throughout my time at Purpol I have participated in entering awards and drafting responses, and so it was great to see the end result last night at my first award show!
Spirits were high with a great turn out, showing huge enthusiasm and camaraderie for the diverse businesses that operate within Bath and the surrounding area. With a narrow minded view of competing businesses prior to starting my placement, I was delighted to be proven wrong with huge support shown for all finalists.
Perhaps one of the more challenging aspects coming to the end of my placement lies in trying to summarise everything I have learned over the summer months working with Purpol Marketing into my last blog post. From social media software tools to networking, and whitepapers to bid writing I really have encompassed a variety of skills into 15 weeks. The biggest thing I have taken out of my time with Purpol is new found confidence in my work which I hope to take back to uni with me in my final year.

Bath Business wards 2016 at Bath Race course Thursday 22 September 2016 PHOTO BY: PAUL GILLIS (www.paulgillisphoto.com)
In particular, Purpol has helped refine my own academic and career goals. I thought I knew everything worth knowing about marketing from my degree, but working at Purpol Marketing has taught me that the world of business is continuously developing. This makes you a forever student in your industry regardless of graduating and obtaining a degree. With this in mind, I will look to continuously open myself up to learning new skills.
Coming to the end of this internship, my goal post has changed, with a preference for working with SME’s as I have become intrigued with the low cost day-to-day changes of marketing. SME’s are gaining more recognition, with government departments setting objectives to reach their target of £1 in every £3 of government spending being with small British businesses by 2020, and I’m excited to follow this movement.
Overall, Purpol Marketing has excelled in giving me a whistle stop tour into the world of marketing and procurement. Whilst university has helped lay the foundations for marketing knowledge, it’s the time whilst on my placement that has helped to consolidate my understanding, with the ability to put things I have learnt in the classroom environment in to the real business world.
I would like to thank Denise for being such an inspiring entrepreneur with an infectious work mentality. Together Denise and I have succeeded in proving placements working from home with flexible structures, complimented by cloud technology, can be equally as rewarding and I hope that this will increasingly become an option offered by more businesses.
I wish Purpol the greatest success for the future, which I know is achievable with Denise’s managing and direction. I look forward to keeping in touch with Denise and being updated on Purpol’s continuing growth, defying boundaries set by traditional businesses.
This has been a learning curb filled with insight, and I’m forever indebted to the Purpol Marketing team. My next challenge is to translate my new capabilities and experience gained into a CV sized document!