Week 4 at Purpol by Jordan
It’s the end of my fourth week here at Purpol, and my first back after Christmas! I’ve been with Purpol now for just over month and have learnt so much about marketing and about Purpol itself too. It’s been a busy first week back, and there hasn’t been a dull moment, come to think about, there has never been a dull day whilst working alongside Denise and Gav.
I started out the week with another award entry write up, this time for the Creative Marketing Awareness Award. This is a new category that we have not yet entered, so I was writing and designing the layout for this from scratch! At the same time, I was also collecting research for our next big project, this being a new E-book based around the notion of marketing strategy.
As a building block for the book, I started off by designing ‘tip cards’ these are like flash cards that in essence create the pages and the main body content for the new book. These info graphics were created from scratch, along with the new ones Denise had sent me some existing cards that I needed to arrange in the appropriate order, so that the book will make sense. All of the initial cards that I created and the ones that Denise had sent me and now in place, it is just a matter of creating a few more cards to add more content to area that are lacking. The content will follow Purpol’s own structure of Review, Acquire, Promote and Retain.
It has been a full on week this week, but has also been very enjoyable at the same time. Each day of this internship is different to the last. For me this allows me to pick and learn new skills that I can then apply to the next project and so forth. This will be an exciting month here at Purpol as so many things are happening, we have the Wiltshire Business Awards being submitted, I’m off to my fist conference for Purpol, and we are winning some pretty hefty bids already, all in all a good start to 2017 and I am very much looking forward to the up coming weeks here in my internship at Purpol Marketing! I would like to say thank you again to Denise, for taking me on, and offering me this great opportunity to work for Purpol Marketing!