Week 6 at Purpol Marketing by intern Emily Marks
This week has been another interesting week at Purpol. I had some white papers to edit at the beginning of the week, and, as sometimes happens when I read back through something I have written, I found the need to completely rewrite one of them. This whitepaper discussed the imperatives of Websites and SEO, something I found really interesting to research and has taught me a lot but the sheer amount of information that I was trying to fit in one relatively short piece did not read well. This has meant the editing of the others has taken a back seat while I have battled with this one. It is finally looking and reading as I would like it too – perseverance is key!
We have also been given projects to work on in preparation for the upcoming group meeting – I can’t believe how fast this has come around – so I have been working on these this week. I thoroughly enjoyed making an animation to help promote the Magnificent Marketing course and am quite pleased with the result, although I shall be making a few tweaks here and there. While I certainly enjoyed the task, it is safe to say my laptop did not – I shall certainly be looking into getting a new one sooner rather than later hopefully. Despite the slowness of my laptop, this project has really allowed me to be creative and was a nice break from all of the researching and writing I have been doing. It also helped to break up my work on that pesky whitepaper with something as equally challenging but in a more creative way! It is also yet another skill I can add to the list of things I have learnt at Purpol!
This week also saw me editing award entries and starting another, although we were faced with a few issues with this one due to a lack of information. Certainly, this week has been one that shows me that not everything always goes to plan and at times, can be frustrating as I found with the whitepaper and my laptop, and yet, despite things not always being simple, I know that all it takes is a bit of perseverance and patience. I am now looking forward to the challenges next week will bring!