Week 6 at Purpol Marketing

Posted on January 23, 2017 by Categories: About Purpol Marketing, Bid Management, Intern, PR Tags: , ,

So it’s the end of week six here at Purpol Marketing, which also marks the halfway point of my internship here. I can’t believe how quickly it has gone! I can honestly say, I have enjoyed every single bit of it!

This week has been a jam-packed week for me at Purpol. On Tuesday I went down to Exeter representing Purpol, which was an honour for Denise to let me do that, for the conference on e-commerce and exporting techniques. This was a very interesting and informative day. We had talks on all matter of topics, from exploring new markets to international VAT all the way through to the exporting success of Love Honey! During my time at the conference, I was fortunate to network and gain insight from experienced people about business, exporting and general information about small business that were not necessarily in the marketing industry.

From Wednesday onwards I have been very busy with my project and to-do lists and ticking off a high proportion of them. Turning the notes that I took in Exeter into slides and graphics, then finding a space for them between our existing ones. From this, I was doing some general editing of content on both the PowerPoint and the eBook graphics.

We have also been busy arranging Purpol’s latest event that will be on exporting for small and new businesses, giving them tips and tricks on how to be successful. This event will be held on February 7th in Swindon at the Double Tree Hilton from 7 am, so come along if you are interested, all information can be found through Denise via LinkedIn and Event Bright. For this event, I have also been working on a logo for our page and also a profile photo of the speakers. This event is free of charge and the link to these free tickets can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/never-thought-of-exporting-find-out-how-beginners-breakfast-workshop-tickets-31289997224.


It has been a very enjoyable week here at Purpol, busy but also very fulfilling. I enjoyed my time in Exeter networking and learning new things, designing new graphics, logos and photos. There really hasn’t been one day the same as the previous. Looking back on my six weeks here at Purpol, it’s astonishing how much I have learned and refined. I learn something every day, and I plan on learning so much more!