Week 7 at Purpol Marketing Robbie Warren

Last week begun with writing a whitepaper on how technology is used to acquire customers. This was a very interesting topic as it allowed me to use knowledge I already had and learn more about new aspects of how it can be used which proved to be engaging and enjoyable. It was then that we were introduced to a cartoon making tool and given the task of creating a short video to promote our Magnificent Marketing course.
This was something that I enjoyed greatly and found to be very useful. Before this internship, I hadn’t done much creative work but this is definitely something I’d like to carry on further into my career.
When that was finished, it was onto the next whitepaper. The topic of this was ‘What aspects should be considered during your pitch’. This is something I hadn’t really come across before so I had some research to do! This proved to be a subject that I felt I could write about easily and as well as being very useful to learn about something new.
It was then that we were given the task of creating a promotional campaign for our Bid writing services to be completed by our next team meeting next week! I started work on that before the week was cut short for a family day out!