Week 9 At Purpol Marketing
It’s the end of another busy week here at Purpol, and coincidently the end of my ninth week too. The week has been full of ongoing projects, exciting news and events happening within our industry. Monday for me was a busy day, as I was finishing off the designs, exporting and creating our second eBook. This eBook is based on marketing your business for export. This book is now up for sale on the Amazon marketplace via Kindle, please follow this link to view the book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Marketing-Export-Simple-tricks-Exporting-ebook/dp/B01N4WC6IF/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1486740679&sr=8-3&keywords=denise+o%27leary
Tuesday was another action packed day for all of us at Purpol as we were co-hosting our exporting event in Swindon with Cool Ventures and The Entrepreneurs Godmother. We had a decent turn out and the morning went very well, it was a very early start for most of us but the coffee and bacon rolls helped! In the afternoon I was back in the office working on some edits of previous infographics that needed some minor tweaks made, all in all a very productive day.
Wednesday I was off to Devizes for a talk on possible funding grants for small local businesses, and it was also my birthday too! I took lots of notes and gained some good insight into the application process, who could be eligible, and what the money could be used for too. Very informative event and great to see businesses being supported.
Purpol are helping promote a scheme in the Bristol, Bath and North Somerset region where you can get 40% grant contribution towards your marketing activity. We are keen to get the message out so we are running an event for anyone who is thinking about applying, on the 10th of March at Desklodge Bristol. The link for this is here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/business-growth-grants-bristol-bath-ne-somerset-north-somerset-and-south-glos-want-to-know-more-tickets-31935839957
Thursday and Friday were office days where I managed to tick lots of things off my ever growing to-do list, that’s the exciting thing about working in a fast paced environment, there is never a dull moment! I have also had some very exciting news given to me too, Denise has kindly asked me to become a permanent member of the Purpol team! I am so pleased and happy that I am a permanent part of such a great company that is growing in success all the time. To be apart of it I am very lucky. So I would like to say a big thank you to Denise and Gavin for giving me this opportunity to work along side you!