What happened in Week 4 of my Internship by Harmony Knight

It is now my 4th week at Purpol Marketing, during which I have had the pleasure of meeting people from around the globe and working in a variety of different fields that allow my skill set to flourish.
Earlier in the week, myself and Denise met the International Interns at the Metro Bank in Bristol. We spent the day being taught first-hand by Denise techniques for a successful marketing campaign. The presentation was intense and packed with an overwhelming number of engrossing tips, tricks and strategies on what makes an effective marketer. It was also great to meet with the international interns and find out more about them and where they’d come from. Denise set several tasks for the group, all of which focused on various subjects and gave us a big variety to work on. It was brilliant to participate with a group of people who were all engaged and eager to learn throughout the day.
Much of my time throughout the rest of the week has been spent editing footage from the Supplying the Public Sector expo we attended in June. I am really enjoying this work thus far as I’ve always had a great love for videography and editing and am so glad, I get to use and refine my skills whilst working. On Monday, I hope to continue with the editing and look forward to meeting the international students one more time before their departure.