Holly Raidl Kickstart final month 6 blog

Posted on October 1, 2021 by Categories: Uncategorized

This month has been my final one at Purpol therefore this blog will likely become more of a reflection as well as addressing the work I’ve completed this month. 

I continued with writing bids for a charity, whilst looking for new grants to add to the expanding grant database. There was also course content for me to review and edit before the courses go live to the public.  

I spent some time going through articles and blogs as research for even more course content. I created a lot of notes detailing my findings and considering new concepts and ideas. 

I attended some more webinars this month more specifically focused on social media. Utilising social media for marketing was originally something I knew a little about but having attended so many webinars on the subject I feel as though I understand the basics significantly more. 

This month I also created a job search graphic for LinkedIn, I’ve been searching for jobs and sending a few applications for the past few months. The graphic was an interesting way to summarise all the skills I’ve learnt throughout my time at Purpol.  

Over the past six months I’ve learnt a lot about several things some of which I had no idea about before I started. It has been rewarding to develop new skills as well as hone old ones and I’m looking forward to taking those skills with me into my future career.