Marketing Services with

Purpol offer a wide range of marketing support, from the fundamentals of marketing strategy through to actually delivering the activities that drive results.
Facilitating the strategic roadmap on how to direct your business
The detailed Business Review is a strategic imperative. If you don’t know where you are going, how can you make the right choices to ensure you actually get there?
Business strategy must be understood at all levels, and this can only be achieved with effective communication. Analysis of the data and effective communication will deliver a clear effective strategy.
Practical techniques for generating new customer leads
Lead generation techniques help your business to identity of a person or entity potentially interested in purchasing a product or service. These could be business associated – a B2B lead – or to an end user – a B2C lead.
Successful lead generation comes from many activities and these are strengthened in combination
An authoritative voice targeted to your audience delivers powerful impact.
Promotion of your business is what makes non customers take notice of you and reinforces the decisions made by existing customers in selecting you.
Understanding and developing customer loyalty delivers business reward
Retaining customers is essential as well as making economic sense. It costs significantly less to maintain a customer relationship than to acquire new customers. Findings vary but it can be a multiple of 6 – 10 times as much spend to attract new clients than to retain old ones!

Purpol Marketing is pleased to offer strategic expertise on: