Third Month Blog- 2/7/21 Holly Raidl Kickstart Placement

Posted on July 2, 2021 by Categories: About Purpol Marketing, Kickstart Tags: , ,

This past month at Purpol Marketing has been particularly busy. I have been working on several things continuously as well as some smaller term projects.

Primarily, I have been continuing my work on the bid library adding new bids to the document. I have also been involved with building a database of applicable grants for the charity to apply to in the future and have contributed a little to writing the initial applications for some of these grants. 

This month all of us have been working on a client marketing project, doing research on their specialist area, making Facebook advertisement graphics, and giving them marketing suggestions for their website.

I completed some webinars and courses this month. Learning useful information about writing tenders, crowdfunding, and Twitter advertisement. I also started the Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course a long-term commitment between my other work. For each of these I made notes which I then consolidated. 

I really enjoyed making the graphics this month as I feel like I’ve really got into the swing of making them and have begun to get closer to the results I want over the past month.
I’m looking forward to seeing all the projects we are working on come together and to see their results. Being halfway through the Kickstart scheme is odd I’ve gained so many skills as well as knowledge over the past three months and I’m excited to keep building upon this for the remaining time I have at Purpol.